Wednesday, 13 April 2011

One more day to prepare!

With a little over 24 hours before I need to pedal to Newcastle and catch an all day train to Cornwall, I must admit to a few nerves.  I secured my pannier bags to my rear wheel and filled it with my four changes of kit, some clothes washing gel, usual bathroom kit, some waterproofs and a warm fleece in case of snow in Scotland!!  Unfortunately, it weighed in at a full stone, and I couldn't pick my bike up off the ground.  I went for a test run and decided it was a little too heavy, so I've rejected two sets of kit and a few other luxuries (shaving foam, after shave, towel, pocket radio etc) and I'm now travelling with only 7 pounds on the back wheel.  It probably means I'll be washing clothes every night or else I'll be buying throw away stuff all the way up!  Thanks to Andy Dixon for popping over on Monday night and checking my brakes, gears, cogs and stuff and showing me how to change a brake cable.  Pity you weren't coming with me Andy....... Thanks also to my Australian cousins and aunt who have sent their best wishes from down under, how thoughtful !

Next update from the train, assuming there's a wifi signal.  I'll also be using a tiny qwerty keyboard on my mobile phone so please don't expect a spell checker or any punctuation until I reach an internet PC again whenever that might be!  Messages may therefore be short...!

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